Petaluma Realtor
Rachael Dressler is a Realtor based in Petaluma in Sonoma County. She works in both Sonoma and Marin Counties and is a Certified Probate and Trust Specialist. She is also a Certified First-Time Home Buyer Specialist and a Certified Real Estate Negotiator.

Wants and Needs When Searching for a Home
Once you are pre-approved and have a good grasp of your budget, you can begin to prioritize your new home’s features. You may want to create a list with three categories.

10 Ways to Prepare Your Home to Sell
As you prepare your house to sell, it is important that it is in the best state possible. Houses that are clean and well-maintained sell faster and for more money.

Wondering How to Use Your Home’s Equity?
Home prices have skyrocketed over the past few years around the country. If you own a home, it is likely your home equity has grown substantially. How can you put that equity to use?

First Time Home Buyer Basics
Are you a first time home buyer wondering how to start the process? Worried about how you might save up for a down payment? Don’t worry! Read this post to find out the first steps to home ownership.

4 steps to selling your home in Sonoma or Marin County
Are you considering selling your home? Are you wondering what the process looks like and what you need to do to prepare? Read this post to find out my 4 step process.

10 Steps to Buying a New Home
Are you curious about the steps in the home buying process? Are you wondering what you need to do to prepare for your home search? Take a look at my Home Buyer’s Guide.